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lithographer and public servant, son of James Boteler Wood, arrived at Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land, in the Lang on 27 July 1824. Leaving his parents, brother and sister there, he continued on to Sydney where he worked as clerk to the registrar of the NSW Supreme Court. By 1826 he had returned to Tasmania and taken up an equivalent position in Hobart Town. During a visit to England in 1828 he married Eulalie Lambelet ( Wood ). The couple landed at Hobart Town in the Vibilia on 13 June 1829, bringing with them a lithographic press. James is said to have operated it with his wife, despite continuing his full-time position with the Supreme Court for at least another year.
He was described as a wine merchant in the baptismal register of his daughter, Isabella Eulalie Maria, in February 1831. By 1833 he had a bookshop in Liverpool Street, from which address he published Charles Atkinson 's lithographic Views through Hobart Town in September. In 1837 he began to publish Wood’s Almanacks . They continued to appear until 1857, although James died on 26 April 1854, so perhaps Eulalie Wood continued to play a major (unacknowledged) role in the business.