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Nicholls, A cited in B. Parkes (ed) (2005), ''The West: Contemporary Basket making in Western and Central Australia’ in Woven Forms: Contemporary basket making in Australia’, Object: Australian Centre for Craft and Design, Sydney, NSW, p. 38.
(2009), 'McAullay Bott, Janine’, Written and verbal correspondence with the author.
'Wealth of Artistic Talent on Show – media release’ (9 March 2006), City of Armadale Website, Accessed 16/1/09.
http://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/publications/mediareleases/mediareleases_detail/default.php?id=354(2009), 'Artitja Fine Art website’, Accessed 17/2/09.
http://www.artitja.com.au/weaves1.htmSearles, Nalda (2006), 'Twigs to Toyotas: The growth of Fibre Basketry in Western Australia’, Cultural Strands, FORM Contemporary Craft and Design, Perth, WA, Compiled by Acker, Carly Davenport.
McCulloch, Susan & McCulloch Childs, Emily (2008), 'McCulloch’s Contemporary Aboriginal Art – the complete guide’, McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books, Fitzroy, VIC.