cartoonist, contributed to the Bulletin during World War II when a sergeant in the AIF 2nd Australia Field Surveying Company, e.g. good original WWII cartoon (ML *D514/162) showing two soldiers beside a jeep which has a gigantic snake curled round it: '“Start the engine goin’, Joe – that might frighten him off!”’ (address verso Nx141757/ Sgt J.B. Swan/ No.3 Section/ 2 Aust Field Surveying Coy A.I.F./ C/- HQ 1 Aust Army’). Post-war cartoons include: (wife returning to husband and filthy kitchen) “Hello, Petsy – miss me?” 1946; (real estate agent to newly-weds) “If you postpone your honeymoon for about eighteen months we might have a prospect” 1946; (couple very lost on a driving tour) “But if this IS the Hume Highway, wouldn’t there be a few telegraph poles about?” 1946; and (man holding an infant by one leg preparing to bathe it) “Aw, t’hell with the book, Walter – I’ve done a lot of this!” 1947.

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Kerr, Joan
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