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Radical, innovative, challenging, unexpected short works from all corners of the globe …
FIM!: Festival da Imagem en Movimento
Mixed Bodies: Recent Australian Video
appresentaƧoa e curadoria / presented and curated by John Gillies
quarta 3 junho / wed 3 june, 22 …
Video Logic featured new and recent work by six artists who have been involved with video and screen-based artwork for a decade or more …
Twelve contemporary Australian artists including John Gillies, Paul Winkler, John Conomos, Joan Ross, Deborah Kelly and Jess MacNeil explore how fine art uses film as a medium for expression, challenging and expanding the boundaries of documentary and narrative film making.
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery
John Conomos’s autobiographical performance about his childhood in a milk bar at Tempe and his ancestral forbearers from the Greek Island of Kythera …
John Conomos, Night Sky, solo show, Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery
John Conomos