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Dr Kathy Cleland is a graduate of the University of Auckland, UNSW and UTS. She has worked at the Digital Cultures Program since 2003, specialising in new media art and digital culture. She is also a freelance curator whose exhibitions have been presented in Australia, New Zealand and Asia, including ARTificial LIFE, the Cyber Cultures exhibition series, Mirror States and Face to Face: portraiture in a digital age.
In 1996 ishe curated ARTifical LIFE, a touring new media exhibition hosted by Artspace, Auckland (1999) and the Cyber Cultures exhibition series (The Performance Space, Sydney, 1996, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Western Sydney, 1997 and 2000).
The 2000 Cyber Cultures program toured to over 20 venues in Australia and New Zealand from 2000 – 2003. She was also a consultant for the Australian online component of the BAM Festival in New York (2001) and curated the Australian component of St@rt Up a program of new media works for Te Papa Museum, Wellington, NZ (2002-3).
She was president of dLux media arts from 1997 to 2002 and writes for a number of arts and cultural publications. She was guest editor of a special new media issue of Artlink magazine, e-volution of new media [Vol 21, No.3, 2001]. Kathy lectures in the Arts Informatics Program in The School of English, Art History, Film and Media at The University of Sydney.