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cartoonist and illustrator, was a staff artist on Smith’s Weekly in the 1920s-30s, e.g. 'The Social Battle Fleet’ (5 women including 'The Destroyer’ and 'Super Dreadnought’), 23 June 1923, p. 9; Dad and Dave joke 21 April 1923, p. 7. Absent, apparently overseas c.1930, returning in 1931 (see portrait). A prolific contributor to the Bulletin (in list of Bulletin artists ML). He was one of the 25 foundation members of the Society of Australian Black and White Artists in 1924, all of whom contributed to the Society’s first publication commemorating the visit of the US Fleet in 1925 (see Harry Weston). According to Vane Lindesay (1994), 'Driff’ became known throughout Australia in the early 1930s on the strength of one drawing, an advertising poster showing a fuming, bewhiskered cow-cocky carrying a double-barrelled shotgun and shouting, “Hey, who pinched my Smith’s Weekly ?” As a colour poster, this went up on almost every railway station in the Commonwealth. Two original cartoons of the 1930s, one dated 1933, are at ML.
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