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picture-frame and looking-glass maker, was born near Como, Italy, into a family of picture-frame and looking-glass makers. He migrated to London, was tried in Sheffield in 1834 for receiving stolen goods (silver) and was transported to Sydney on the “Mary Ann” in 1835. Upon release he established a partnership with another frame-maker, T.E. Hughes, by January 1843. The partnership lasted until 1845 then Cetta worked alone for a decade. He married Jane Ellis in 1846 and lived at 57 George Street from 1845/46 to 1850/51. Two brothers, Julian and Peter Cetta, joined him in the business from London in August 1846 and October 1850 respectively. From November 1844, when he sent a case of goods to Port Phillip, Cetta ran a thriving inter-colonial export business from Sydney. He exported cases of his products, mostly looking glasses, to Port Phillip (45 shipments), Launceston (9), Adelaide (8) and Hobart Town (1). Known extant picture frames are illustrated in Cant (p.45) along with a Cetta & Hughes label. Three surround Joseph Backler 's portraits of the Sinclair family dated 1846.
Cetta was naturalised on 31 December 1852. Then in February 1853 he, his wife and a Miss Cetta sailed for Le Havre from Sydney via Melbourne.
By 1854, Cetta is listed in Wright’s Directory as living in Nottingham and working in partnership with John Crosta (born 1820 in Italy) as Crosta, Cetta and Co., looking-glass makers.
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