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'Musee Bartholdi, Colmar, France.’.
'Reutlingen Stadtarchiv, Germany’.
'Hawaii State Library, Oahu, Hawaii.’.
'RMIT University Archives, Melbourne, Vic.’.
'Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Vic’.
'Royal Exhibition Building Archives, Melbourne, Vic.’.
'National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT’.
'State Library of NSW, Sydney, NSW’.
'State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria.’.
'Archives Authority of NSW, Sydney, NSW’.
Nissan N. Perez (1988), 'Focus East’, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York.
Photograms of the Year (1900)
https://archive.org/details/photogramsofyear00unse'Photography, its relation to Popular Education’. By L. Hart – Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, v.13 (1879),pp.87 to 94