employee of
Dick Van Leer
as Head Designer for Artes Studio, Sydney
employee of
Alan Bate
Designer (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect)
Scarisbrick & Bate Ltd. London.
grandchild of
Mary Alice Evatt
Architect (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect), Artist (Sculptor), Artist (Draughtsman), Artist (Painter)
Lived with and influenced by MAS several years in Sydney and Canberra
associate of
Scorgie Anderson
Anderson taught Evatt design in the interior design programme at the Canberra Technical College
employee of
Heather Paral
Designer (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect)
Evatt worked with Studio 12 before moving to Sydney to work with Artes Studio
associate of
Vivienne Pratt
Designer (Architect / Interior Architect / Landscape Architect)
Both designers worked at Studio 12, Manuka