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Sometime in the future …
A man looks through a peephole …
What I saw in the Burning Bush: The teeming hordes of America.
public fitting is an art & fashion collaborative project between Mark Titmarsh and Todd Robinson. It opens with a live peformance where paint is poured onto a series of garments worn by models. In the project, aligned practices meet in the act of marking surfaces, fabrics, and bodies in inverted relations between fashion and painting. The outcomes of this production-performance include garments, video, paintings, and their combination as a productive infrastructure forming the overall project.
The performance and exhibition were staged at mop.org.au/, Sydney in August 2011.
Vision / sound / editgary warner
ModelsSarah VosperEinar Johnson
Production assistantsKasey DevlinNatalie BehjanLucy-Kate ArmstrongJosehphine Bhim
PhotographyArthur Georgeson
Deep Wallpaper is immediately visually engaging and seductive, images sound and video function as decoration for a mobile phone, but that also had some kind of subtle conceptual sting …
A film that briefly introduces Sydney: Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Sydney’s scenic beaches and Kings Cross …
In the dark 3 am of the troubled soul .. ...
The film originally began as an analysis of the “quest of the historical Lucifer”, from the time of the first great rebellion in the spirit world, through his representation in the history of art, to Hollywood biblical epics and culminating in Blatty/Friedkin’s “The Exorcist” ...
Pen pal triangle bummer averted, happeness for all.
Where is thee to run when he dead come back to life to devour the living? A nightmare of exponential proportions.