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Cooke, Glenn R., 'The Arts & Crafts Movement in Queensland 1890-1950; manuscript’.
Manchester, Rosemary (1989), 'Beloved Physician: The Story of Lorimer Fenton Dods’, Sydney.
Egan, John (1932), 'Robin Dods; Bachelor of Architecture thesis’, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Lund, Neville (1934), 'Robin Dods’, Brisbane: University of Queensland, Bachelor of Architecture thesis.
Riddel, Robert (1976), 'Some Influences and Their Origins in the Architecture of Robin Dods (1868-1920)’, London: Architectural Association School of Architecture, Master of Architecture thesis.
Information sourced from Manchester, Rosemary (Dods family papers).
Cooke, Glenn R. (1994), 'Mary Dods’, Joan Kerr (ed.) Dictionary of Australian Artists, Melbourne, Victoria.