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Mary Raymond Black
Mary Black (nee Raymond) was born in Naracoorte, South Australia in 1946.
She attended the South Australian School of Art from 1964 until 1967, studying under Max Lyle and Owen Broughton. She completed the Diploma of Fine Art (Sculpture) and won the Clarkson Memorial prize for Modelling.
She married in 1968 and during that year taught at the SA Studio Potters Club as well as having her first solo exhibition (sculpture in a variety of media, paintings and drawings) at the Llewellyn Gallery before moving to Canberra in 1969.
In Canberra she taught at the Canberra Art Workshop and had a number of solo exhibitions both in the ACT and SA.
She and her family moved to Alice Springs in 1985 where she had 3 solo exhibitions, one of them a retrospective, before returning to Canberra in 1987. She taught both at Erindale Community College and the Canberra Art Workshop as well as conducting numerous private workshops while continuing to participate in mixed shows as well as having further solo exhibitions (in total, some 16 to date).
She has since ceased active teaching to concentrate on her own work. She maintains a strong artistic output in painting, drawing and sculpture as well as collage.
In 2000 she published a book, Girls Only, containing 54 original drawings in pen and ink.
She and her husband moved to Bribie Island in 2004.
She has produced a series of black and white paintings depicting life on Bribie from a beach-walking perspective, together with large coloured abstracts in multi media.
After 13 years on Bribie Island she and her husband have moved to Maroochydore.