Matthew Gingold is a media artist, programmer and creative technical consultant. Gingold’s arts practice spans solo and collaborative audio/visual installation and performance, from video design for theatre and dance, interactive and generative exhibition installation to architextural projections, film, documentary and live AV performance. Whilst these contexts vary, reoccurring themes are concerned with chance, synchronicity, complexity, perception, the body and the various meanings 'live’ and 'allve’ have within these contexts. Often this is explored through the use of the multiple – it’s differences and repetitions – and through these our connections to identity, the everyday and the sublime.

Recent projects include Above (2011) a video collaboration with Balletlab presented for the opening of MONA (TAS); Eulogy of the Living (2011) live architextural projections and surround sound for dance collaboration with Tony Yapp and Yumi Umiumare; The Perfect Artist (2010), a generative database video portrait installation documenting 84 creative Australian’s presented at The National Portrait Gallery (ACT); Mirror Mirage (2010) and Flying Falling Floating (2008) dance collaboration and architextural projections, presented at the Sydney International Festival (2008) and Melaka International Arts Festival (2009 & 2010); Circuit (2009), a generative, mash-up style faux product generator, commissioned by The Melbourne Fringe and presented at 8 ARI’s across Victoria; Great Wall of Books Macau (2007), Mexico (2010), Korea (2011), a multifaceted collaboration including live projections, live sound performances and multiple interactive installations.

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