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teacher, was one of the children of John Sherwin, a merchant of Burslem, Staffordshire, and his wife, Elizabeth. The family came to Van Diemen’s Land in January 1823 and settled at Sherwood on the Clyde River, near Bothwell, where they lived until the house was burned to the ground by Aborigines in 1830. The following year her brother Isaac became co-founder of Cook & Sherwin, merchants of Charles Street, Launceston, from which address Miss Sherwin advertised in the Launceston Advertiser in 1833 for a position as governess with a private family, citing her proficiency in 'Dancing, Drawing and Music’. She directed replies to 'I.L.S.’ which may have been her initials or Isaac’s. Miss Sherwin’s niece was the flower painter Emily E. Sherwin .
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