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Nancy Reid is a South Australian Indigenous artist descended from the Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjtjara and Kokatha peoples. She was born in Port Augusta in 1975, and was taught to paint by her mother, Jean Reid, and her aunty and uncle. Reid participated in the 2006 and 2007 'Our Mob’ exhibitions at the Adelaide Festival Centre. She also participated in 'Ripples in the Sand’, an exhibition commissioned for the inaugural Yarnaballa Cultural Festival in 2008, which was part of the 2008 'Port Augusta Re-Imagines’ Regional Centre of Culture Program. The exhibition, which took place at the Port Augusta Cultural Centre Gallery, was devoted to the perspectives of Indigenous artists who had a strong connection to Port Augusta. Reid lives in Port Augusta and works as a youth worker at Tji Tji Wiru Youth Centre in Davenport, South Australia.
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