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(1865), Dunedin, NZ: Otago Witness, 12-02.
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(1872), Argus, 04-18.
(1866), Argus, 10- 05.
(1862), Argus, 07-02.
(1881), Illustrated Sydney News, 12-26.
(1888), Illustrated Sydney News, 07-26.
(1890), Illustrated Sydney News, 10-25.
(1868), Dunedin, NZ: Otago Witness, 04-24.
(1877), Sydney Mail, 06-30.
(1881), Sydney Mail, 04-30.
(1889), Sydney Mail, 03-30.
(1863), Sydney Morning Herald, 07-10.
(1873), NZ: Wellington Independent, 12-27.
(1873), NZ: Wellington Independent, 03-27.
(1871), NZ: Wellington Independent, 09-26.
(1871), NZ: Wellington Independent, 08-25.
(1869), NZ: Wellington Independent, 03-25.
(1868), NZ: Wellington Independent, 12-10.
(1868), NZ: Wellington Independent, 05-30.
(1868), NZ: Wellington Independent, 02-08.
(1868), NZ: Wellington Independent, 01-11.
(1868), NZ: Wellington Independent, 01-02.
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Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.
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King, Jonathan (1979), 'The other side of the coin : a cartoon history of Australia’, Stanmore, NSW : Cassell Australia (Revised edition).
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Archer, Mildred (1969), 'British Drawings in the India Office Library Volume II : Official and Professional Artists’, London, England, UK : HMSO, pp.569-71.
Laurenson, Mary, Melbourne, Victoria: Monash University, MA thesis (includes catalogue raisonné).
Information sourced from Laurenson, Ian.
Archer, Mildred (1969), 'British Drawings in the India Office Library Volume II: Official and Professional Artists’, London, England: HMSO, pp.569-71.
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