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Grant, Ian F. (1987), 'The Unauthorised Version’, (Second edition).
(15 November 1988), 'The Kiwi invasion that never stopped’, Sydney, NSW : in the Bulletin, p 112.
(1989), 'Drawing the Line : Cartoons across the Tasman : an exhibition of work by New Zealand cartoonists’, Wellington, NZ : Ministry of External Relations and Trade.
Diamond, Jo, Information souced from.
Rafty, Tony; with Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning’, Sydney, NSW : Blaxland Gallery (11-19 September 1964).
Ryan, John (1979), 'Panel by Panel : a history of Australian comics’, Stanmore, NSW : Cassell Australia.
Shiell, Annette (ed.) (1998), 'Bonzer: Australian Comics 1900s-1990s’, Melbourne, Vic : Elgua Media/ Binara Publishing.
Shiell, Annette; & Unger, Ingrid (1994), 'Ace Biographical Portraits … 1930s-1990s’, Monash University, Vic : National Centre for Australian Studies, p 12.
'New Zealand Cartoon Archive’, Wellington, NZ : Alexander Turnbull Library (information sourced from).
Sydney, NSW : Smith’s Weekly.
Sydney, NSW? : Sunday Times.
Sydney, NSW : Daily Telegraph.
Cook, Noel, 'Pirate Planet’, Sydney, NSW : NSW Bookstall Co.
Cook, Noel, 'Peril Planet’, Sydney, NSW : NSW Bookstall Co.
Cook, Noel (1946), 'The Blue Ray for publications’, Sydney, NSW : K. G. Murray.
Cook, Noel, 'Boris of Mars’, Sydney, NSW : Frank Johnson publications.
Cook, Noel (1947), 'Kokey Koala and his Magic Button’, Sydney, NSW : Elmsdale Publications.
Auckland, NZ : New Zealand Herald.
Auckland, NZ : Auckland Weekly News.
Cook, Noel, 'Hawk Larse – in the Year 2000 AD’, Sydney, NSW : Frank Johnson publications.
Sydney, NSW : Bulletin.