Noel Kenneth Caldwell, known as Charlie, was born in Casino in 1973 and is a member of the Bundjalung nation. His mother is Githibal and his father’s family is from around Tabulam. In 2002 Charlie began working at Jambama Art Centre, a Community Development Employment Project in Casino. Caldwell completed a Certificate in Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Practices at Casino TAFE. In 2008, he exhibited with his sister in 'Sista Brother, Tania Walker and Noel Caldwell’ at Platypus Gallery, Casino. His work has appeared in group exhibitions 'Branching Out’, Northern Rivers Community Gallery, Ballina, 2008; 'Australia Day Indigenous Art Exhibition’, CMA Village, Casino, 2008; 'Gumbo Dreaming’, Roxy Gallery, Kyogle, 2007; National Parks and Wildlife Service Art Award, Grafton Regional Gallery; and the Tea Tree Art Prize in Coraki. Charlie has painted murals around Casino and his painting Dancing was raffled to raise funds for a Goorie Awards Night at Casino High School.

Arts Northern Rivers
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