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Born at Willowra in the late ’40s, Norah has lived in the Willowra area all her life. She is Warlpiri/Anmatyerre and her country is Ngarnalkurru (little Sandy River) and Mt Theo. The Dreamings she paints are Goanna, Bush Tomato (wanakiji), Bush Raisin (yakajirri), and Bush Beans (malpa). Nora began painting in the late ’80s on boards purchased from the community store. She learnt to paint from other members of her family. She is an active participant in the women’s dancing, and in this context paints a Cave story and a Bush Onion (yalka) story as well as the malpa story. Amanda Nakamarra, one of the artist’s four children has also taken up painting.
Before I have started doing my paintings, I have to learn more about my dreaming designs. When I was used to it, then I finally started doing paintings on canvas. These designs belong to my father and my great great grandfather. I also use these designs for ceremonies or initiation business. Some of these designs are very special to me, and I still remember when I was taught them when I was young. But I still carry on forever.