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McGrath, Judith (2003), 'Coming Home: New Work by Norma MacDonald’, Art Seen in Western Australia (website), Website accessed May, 2009.
http://www.artseeninwa.com/comehome.html(2002), 'Smart Art’, Australian Art Collector, issue 22 Also in issue 27, 2002 and issue 36, 2004.
http://www.artcollector.net.au/backissues.aspx?element=24&category=1&CurrentPage=26Stanton, John E and Hill, Sandra (2000), 'Aboriginal artists of the South-West: Past and Present’, Berndt Museum of Anthropology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Page 27.
http://www.berndt.uwa.edu.au/'MacDonald, Norma’.
(1999), 'Generation The Stolen Years of Fighters and Singers By Centre for Indigenous History and the Arts’, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
http://www.uwa.edu.au(2004), 'Indigenous Law Bulletin Vol 5, Issue 30’, Indigenous Law Centre, Faculty of Law, UNSW, Kensington, NSW.
http://www.ilc.unsw.edu.au/McGrath, Judith (2002), Artist Palette magazine.
http://www.isubscribe.com.au/title_info.cfm?prodID=155&catID=2Stanton, John E (2004), 'On Track: Contemporary Aboriginal Art from Western Australia’, Berndt Museum of Anthropology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
http://www.berndt.uwa.edu.au/pg 14 (1997), 'Daughters of the Dreaming: Sisters Together Strong’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.