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cartoonist and oil painter, signed cartoons in the Brisbane Worker in 1900-1. Although crude and amateurish in style (like his paintings), they are quite lively and distinctive, e.g. The Gentleman who objects to the “Worker” 21 April 1900, cover (good nasty capitalist with 'a treatise on fossils’ in his pocket); Eight Hour Day 5 May 1900, cover (lots of tiny detailed drawings including President, Secretary, Treasurer Marshall, pioneer, delegate, Operative Plasterers, black labour competition, three generations [of women], novelty race and procession of floats); Government by Greed 2 November 1901, cover (digger being strangled by the dragon/octopus 'Government of Greed by the Greedy for the Greedy’ with tentacles labelled 'syndicated railways’, 'financial institutions’, 'borrowed money’, 'land monopoly’, 'class laws’, 'extension of leases’, 'coloured alien labour’ and 'plural votes’; in the background is an allegorical female labelled 'union’ running up with sword and axe. He probably also did the unsigned Exploiters and Exploited 5 October 1901 and possibly The Classes and the Masses 15 September 1900, signed 'Nick O’ Tine’.
The National Library of Australia owns 24 oil paintings by Marony, mostly of bushrangers, e.g. Ned Kelly story, Death of Ben Hall, Captain Starlight. Some are dated 1894, including portraits of Kate and Ned Kelly, Capture of Ned Kelly 1894, The Moonliters (Captain Moonlite – Andrew George Scott – and his gang), and Night Raid on Bathurst signed 'P.W. Marony 1894’.