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Using drawing, film, sculpture and installation, Veitch’s work over the last decade has emerged out of an intuitive investigation into the structural deficits of modernity, reflecting on the profound schism that exists in our experience of the natural and the industrialised world. Elaborating on this psychic and material event of rupture – between the extremes of modernity and primordiality, nature and nurture, self and other – she has produced a body of work that has explored the complex interconnections and radical disjunctions that constitute our collective perception of modernity. Her current work extends this inquiry to explore the role of contemporary art in the era of globalised late capitalism, testing its capacity to interrogate our relations to the convulsive forces of economic growth.

Veitch has curated more than a dozen exhibitions, including Dark Arts (Marrickville Garage – 2013) and Easy Listening (West Space – 2013) and was co-director of Firstdraft (1996-1997) and Loose projects (2006-2007). She has undertaken a number of residencies including the Asialink Visual Arts Residency (Beijing), and videomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy residencies at The University of Sydney and The Australian Museum. Her short films have screened nationally and internationally in events such as Experimenta (Melbourne), Impakt Festival (Utrecht), Image Forum (Tokyo), and the European Media Art Festival (Osnabruck). Selected recent exhibitions and projects include No Signal (I.C.A.N – 2013), Look This Way (UTS Gallery – 2013), LA Connection (Winslow Garage – 2014) and Curating Feminism (Sydney College of the Arts Gallery – 2014).


Philipa Veitch
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