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Marsh, Anne (1993), 'Body and Self: Performance Art in Australia 1969-1992’.
Rainbird, S., Muddiman, S. (1995) Selected Australian Works: Queensland University of Technology Art Collection, Published on the occasion of the collection’s fiftieth anniversary, 1945-1995. Brisbane : Queensland University of Technology
http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/8465110?q=+Selected+Australian+Works%3A++Queensland+University+of+Technology+Art+Collection&c=book&versionId=26414134Fitzpatrick, K. 2002) Less is more / less is a boor. Craft Arts International, 56, 98-103.
http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/11524897?q=Kirsten+Fitzpatrick+&c=book&sort=holdings+asc&_=1413903918240&versionId=19709603Sanders, C. ( 1994) Symbols of Harmony in the work of Ralph Eberlein, Ceramics Art and Perception, Issue 18, 97-98.
http://search.informit.com.au/browsePublication;res=IELAPA;issn=1035-1841;iss=18Marsh, Anne (1989) Performance Art in the 1970’s, Art and Australia, vol.26, issue 3 , 412-418.