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cartoonist, drew cartoons for Smith’s Weekly in the 1920s, e.g. 'Smith’s Tutankhamania; Cleopatra has some trouble with an extra large pearl’ 10 November 1923, 17; (fat lady to artist) '“And do you really paint pictures in the nude?”/ “Rarely; usually in this gown”’ 24 November 1923, 16; '“Awfully topping nudes you did for me, old boy. I’ve got them hung in the dining-room. Only trouble is the bally gardener insists on having all his meals with us”’, Smith’s Weekly 14 June 1924, 23.
Whiting published Bags! , a book of jokes about trousers (Melbourne: Ramsay Publishing, n.d. [1926?]). A cartoon of a woman, man and caddie on golf links appeared in Table Talk 1931 (ill. Lindesay 1979, 189). Several of his originals are in the Mitchell Library’s Bulletin collection. William Moore notes that caricatures by Ray Whiting were favourably received when shown at Melbourne in 1934.
Whiting served in the AIF during WWII. A cheerful and lively Bulletin cartoon, published 16 December 1942, which shows a soldier querying a mate’s bent bayonet – “Jerry?”/ “Bully!” (original PxD547/7) – is signed 'Ray Whiting Western Desert A.I.F. '42’.