Born on 1 August 1962 at Watiyakurlangu, south of Yuendumu, Rebecca was a Warlpiri/English speaker and grew up at Yuendumu. Her Dreamings were Sandflies (Pama), Ngapa (Water), Warlukurlangu (Fire), Watiya Kurlangu (Mulga Tree) and Yankirri (Emu). She moved to Adelaide in 1986 and began painting in 1987, driven by homesickness for the country she had left behind. She sent messages to her family to find out her Dreamings so she could paint them and ease the pain of separation. She painted from her childhood memories of the women painting their bodies and dancing boards for ceremonies. She sold her work through galleries in Adelaide. She also visited schools in Adelaide showing her paintings and talking about her Dreamings. In 1991 she returned to Yuendumu to obtain the approval of senior Nampijinpas/family members at Yuendumu for her paintings. She subsequently won the Kings Canyon Frontier Lodge NT Art Competition and was resident artist at the Corkwood Gallery.

Johnson, Vivien
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