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Stanton, John E. in S. Kleinert and M. Neale (eds) (2000), ''Bush Landscapes of the south – west of Western Australia; the child art of Carrolup’, The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture’, pp 259-263.
Stanton, John .E. (1992), ''Revel Cooper 1934-1983’, Artlink’, Vol. 12, No. 4.
Davidson, James, 'Correspondence with Revel Cooper 1961-1968’, copies with the author.
Croft, Brenda, 'South West Central: Indigenous Art from South Western Australia 1833-2002’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA, exh. cat.
Counihan, Noel (28 March 1963), ''Art Affairs’, Guardian’, p4.
Cooper, Revel (1968), ''To Regain Our Pride,’ Aboriginal Quarterly’, (July -September), p20.
Banks, R. (23 May 1992), ''Bleak Experiment led to Nyoongar artistry’, The West Australian’.
Onus, Lin (1993), 'Southwest, Southeast Australia and Tasmania’, Kunsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, pp 289-330. exh. cat. 'Aratjara: Art of the First Australians’.
Onus, Lin (1990), ''Language and Lasers’, Art Monthly special supplement, The Land and the City: the Emergence of Urban Aboriginal Art’, pp 14-15, 19.
(14 November 1985), ''Man killed with jack, court told’, The Age’, p 21.
Kleinert, Sylvia in Sylvia Kleinert and Margo Neale (eds) (2000), ''Revel Cooper’, The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture’, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, pp 562-3.
Kleinert, Sylvia in G. Levitus (ed) (1997), ''Aboriginal Landscapes’, Lying About the Landscape’, Craftsman House, North Ryde, NSW, pp 82-99.
Kleinert, Sylvia, ''Revel Cooper’, Australian Dictionary of Biography 1981-1990’, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, VIC, 2007, Vol. 17, pp 251-2.
(29 November 1952), ''Four years for Native Killer’, The West Australian’, p7.
Wiek, Muriel, ''The Past Meets the Present’, Milady’, 1949-07, Vol. 2 No.13, pp 44-45.
Snell, Ted (15 February 2003), ''Celebration of Survival’, Weekend Australian’.
(8 June 1962), ''Pardellup prisoner paints Stations of the Cross’, The Record’.
Schmitt, Hugh (26 November 1974), ''Revel Finds a Cause,’ Herald’, p 12.
Pushman, Tracie (2006), 'Koorah coolingah – Children long ago’, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA.
Stanton, John E. (1992), 'Nyungar Landscapes: Aboriginal Artists of the South-West, the Heritage of Carrolup’, Nedlands, WA.
Information sourced from (interviews) Onus, Lin (1991).
Thompson, David, (Dir.), ''The Broken Covenant’, Encounters program’, ABC/BBC Television.
Harris, Stewart (1972), 'This is Our Land’, Australian National University Press, Canberra, ACT.
Durack, Mary, D. & Florence Rutter (1952), 'Child Artists of the Australian Bush’, Australasian Publishing Company, Sydney, NSW.
Durack, M. (1976), 'Yagan of the Bibbulum, 2nd edn.’, Nelson, West Melbourne, VIC.
Information sourced from (interviews) Davidson, James (1991).