This record needs moderation


  • Stanton, John E. in S. Kleinert and M. Neale (eds) (2000), ''Bush Landscapes of the south – west of Western Australia; the child art of Carrolup’, The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture’, pp 259-263.

  • Stanton, John .E. (1992), ''Revel Cooper 1934-1983’, Artlink’, Vol. 12, No. 4.

  • Davidson, James, 'Correspondence with Revel Cooper 1961-1968’, copies with the author.

  • Croft, Brenda, 'South West Central: Indigenous Art from South Western Australia 1833-2002’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA, exh. cat.

  • Counihan, Noel (28 March 1963), ''Art Affairs’, Guardian’, p4.

  • Cooper, Revel (1968), ''To Regain Our Pride,’ Aboriginal Quarterly’, (July -September), p20.

  • Banks, R. (23 May 1992), ''Bleak Experiment led to Nyoongar artistry’, The West Australian’.

  • Onus, Lin (1993), 'Southwest, Southeast Australia and Tasmania’, Kunsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, pp 289-330. exh. cat. 'Aratjara: Art of the First Australians’.

  • Onus, Lin (1990), ''Language and Lasers’, Art Monthly special supplement, The Land and the City: the Emergence of Urban Aboriginal Art’, pp 14-15, 19.

  • (14 November 1985), ''Man killed with jack, court told’, The Age’, p 21.

  • Kleinert, Sylvia in Sylvia Kleinert and Margo Neale (eds) (2000), ''Revel Cooper’, The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture’, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, pp 562-3.

  • Kleinert, Sylvia in G. Levitus (ed) (1997), ''Aboriginal Landscapes’, Lying About the Landscape’, Craftsman House, North Ryde, NSW, pp 82-99.

  • Kleinert, Sylvia, ''Revel Cooper’, Australian Dictionary of Biography 1981-1990’, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, VIC, 2007, Vol. 17, pp 251-2.

  • (29 November 1952), ''Four years for Native Killer’, The West Australian’, p7.

  • Wiek, Muriel, ''The Past Meets the Present’, Milady’, 1949-07, Vol. 2 No.13, pp 44-45.

  • Snell, Ted (15 February 2003), ''Celebration of Survival’, Weekend Australian’.

  • (8 June 1962), ''Pardellup prisoner paints Stations of the Cross’, The Record’.

  • Schmitt, Hugh (26 November 1974), ''Revel Finds a Cause,’ Herald’, p 12.

  • Pushman, Tracie (2006), 'Koorah coolingah – Children long ago’, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA.

  • Stanton, John E. (1992), 'Nyungar Landscapes: Aboriginal Artists of the South-West, the Heritage of Carrolup’, Nedlands, WA.

  • Information sourced from (interviews) Onus, Lin (1991).

  • Thompson, David, (Dir.), ''The Broken Covenant’, Encounters program’, ABC/BBC Television.

  • Harris, Stewart (1972), 'This is Our Land’, Australian National University Press, Canberra, ACT.

  • Durack, Mary, D. & Florence Rutter (1952), 'Child Artists of the Australian Bush’, Australasian Publishing Company, Sydney, NSW.

  • Durack, M. (1976), 'Yagan of the Bibbulum, 2nd edn.’, Nelson, West Melbourne, VIC.

  • Information sourced from (interviews) Davidson, James (1991).

Initial data sources

  • Storylines Project, COFA, UNSW