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Held in the Bond Store. Sculptural in essence, these exhibitions from two Tasmanian artists are textural, colourful and multi-layered.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
TMAG archive printout; http://www.education.tas.gov.au/0278/issue/974/tmag.htm (28/07/04)
An exhibition presented by Arthouse at Earl Arts Centre, Launceston during the season of Tasdance’s What to name your baby. Source: Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery History Archive.
Exhibition opened by Nicole Johnson, founder of Secheron House [Hobart] and leading tapestry designer and weaver 28 June 1985.
An exhibition of works by Des Murray painter, Jack Miller sculptor, Robert Ikin potter, Betsy Gamble batik, Blair Gamble painter, Wal Sutherland painter and George Richardson painter. Opened 18 August 1980 by Harry Holgate, Minister for the Arts [Tasmania].
The first ceramic exhibition by Ikin, opened by Rynne Tanton, Head, School of Art, TCAE, Newnham 8 April 1979.