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(June 1965), 'Notes on Diggles’ “Ornithology of Australia”’, Queensland Naturalist, .
(July 1963), 'Silvester Diggles – a Queensland naturalist one hundred years ago’, Queensland Naturalist 17, .
Marks, E. (1972), 'Silvester Diggles’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol 4, ed. D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward, Melbourne, Victoria.
Burmester, C.A. (1974), 'National Library of Australia: Guide to the Collections’, Canberra.
Fisher, R. (12 March 1986), '“Through a glass darkly”: Photographers and their role in the Moreton Bay region before 1860’, Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland.
Diggles, S., 'Letter Book 1871/1877’, National Library of Australia ms 1551.
Information sourced from Davies, Alan.
Information sourced from Fisher, Rod.