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Imagine an avatar that can perform in the 'real’ world by accessing a physical body …
Famed for pushing the boundaries of performance art and biotechnology, Stelarc previews startling new scientific developments set to transform our relationships to our bodies and our selves.
Presented by Institute of Art and Ideas in Britain.
Screener for Stelarc – The Body is Obsolete distributed online worldwide by Contemporary Arts Media:http://www.artfilms.com.au/Detail.aspx?ItemID=220Code: KD-Stel
DVD & CD-ROM ...
The Prosthetic Head is an embodied conversational agent (ECA) that speaks to the person who interrogates it …
digital 3-D animation DVD. Produced in collaboration with in collaboration with the Performance Arts Digital Research Unit at the Nottingham Trent University and the Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems Group, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at the University of Sussex, funded by The Wellcome Trust and the AHRB, UK.
Imagine an ear as an internet antenna …
Videotape of performance recorded in Tokyo, Japan, 1975 …