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cartoonist, signed many political cartoons in the 1892 Worker with this pseudonym, e.g. one anti-semitic, another re: blackbirding. 'The Real Anarchist Bomb./ Can’t They Give Their Unemployed Something Better To Do?’ (7 May 1892) already uses the standard capitalist symbol of a champagne-quaffing fat man ('Wealth’) and his prostitute partner ('Vice’) standing on top of 'The Starving World’ on which a ragged man ('Unemployed’) strives to hang on; all are exploded in a small pendant image below, 'Revolution’. Another, 'THE BUSHMAN’S FUTURE’, shows a swaggie contemplating a sign saying 'WANTED/ SHEARERS & STATION HANDS/ NO WHITE MAN/ NEED APPLY’, with South Pacific Islanders cutting cane in the background and a Chinese immigrant washing for gold in the foreground (dated 1891, published Worker 14 April 1892). Fellow pseudonymous cartoonists in the 1892 Worker were 'Stoney Broke’, 'Demorno’, 'Biddy Micklehead’ and 'Mary Ann Disney’; 'Nick O’Tine’ (1900) and 'Bunyip’ (1908) followed.
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