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'NSW Death Records : 2228/1869’.
'NSW Marriage Records : V1841258 25C/1841’.
'NSW Birth Records :V1846415 31A/1846; V18482262 33A/1848; V1850315 35/1850; V18532469 39A/1853; V1855987 42A/1855; 2391/1856; 251/1860; 3591/1861’.
Barnard, A. (1974), 'Thomas Sutcliffe Mort’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, [Pike, D. (ed.)], Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Vic.
Martens, C. (1846), '(Account Book , entries for 28 December 1846 and 2 November 1847)’, Dixson Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.