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In 1968, at age 19, and as the youngest artist ever to be awarded the Sulman Prize, Tim Storrier’s work was afforded a level of public acclaim that was unique in Australia for an artist of his generation. This prestigious award provided a career beginning, which, three decades on, he has successively built upon to establish himself as one of Australia’s most respected and sought-after artists.
To many, Tim Storrier is the contemporary Australian painter who most poignantly conveys the unyielding essence of the Australian landscape: its vast melancholy, its primacy over and beyond all human intervention. As no other artist, Storrier’s oeuvre has encompassed the subtlety of the Australian landscape’s fugitive moods, the silently unfolding vibrancy of its droning expanse. He has searchingly recorded his most personal, intuitive responses to the place of his birthright and his ongoing source and subject for creative revisitation. In recent years, Storrier’s subject matter has extended into a new poetic vein, through two series depicting the spectre of the luminescent southern sky and the impenetrable green ocean.
Tim Storrier has been represented in many prestigious exhibitions, including the Australian Bicentennial Exhibition, Fischer Fine Art, London (1988); 'Windows on Australia 1’, Australian Embassy, Tokyo (1995); 'The Australian Experience’, Galerie Konoha, Japan (1996); and 'The Rose Crossing’ touring exhibition (1999-2000). 'Tim Storrier Drawings 1971-2003’ and 'Dust and Ashes’ were held at Sherman Galleries in 2003.
Tim Storrier has been collected by all major Australian art museums and is included in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In 1989, he was appointed a Trustee of the Art Gallery of New South Wales; in 1994, he was awarded the Order of Australia AM for his services to art; and in May 2003, he received a Doctor of Arts (Hons) from Charles Sturt University, New South Wales.