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McGillick, Paul (1990), 'Central Street – An exhibition of selected paintings’, Charles Nodrum Gallery, Richmond, VIC, This exhibition was shown at the Central Street Gallery between 1966 and 1969, Charles Nodrum Gallery, Richmond, Victoria, 1990. The pages in this catalogue are unnumbered but the quote is on the second last page of the essay.
'catalogues, reviews, personal recollections’.
McCaughey, Patrick (Introduction) (1968), 'Central Street Gallery, April 1966 – June 1968’, Central Street Gallery, Sydney, NSW.
McGillick, Paul and McGillick, Tony (1978), 'Survey 6 Tony McGillick’, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC.
(1993), 'Looking at Seeing & Reading’, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Paddington, NSW.
(1968), 'The Field’, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC.
Throsby, Margaret and McCarter, Graham (1992), 'Sydney People and Places’, ABC Enterprises, Sydney, NSW.
McGillick, Paul (1985), 'The Subject of Painting’, Art Gallery of New South Wales and Contemporary Art Society, Sydney, NSW.
Davis, Rhonda; Dean, Christopher; Howe, Elin, and McGillick, Paul (2002), 'Central Street Live’, Lewers Bequest and Penrith Regional Gallery, Emu Plains, NSW.
A Field of Colour Tony McGillick – a Retrospective, Macquarie University Art Gallery 2018