Featured Artists
- Lola Greeno
- Lindy Lee
- Rosemary Wynnis Madigan
- Margaret Preston
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Artists from diverse cultural backgrounds and practices explore a sense of self, an identity that simultaneously is moulded by and melts our concept of time, place, people, language and culture. As a whole, this exhibition presents a free-flowing idea of identity, a fluid individual and cultural identity, fragile and lucid yet fundamentally interconnected and informed by the “other”.
This exhibition explores the influence of new digital communication methods on the ways we form our identity, create and sustain relationships and how we think and feel.
The exhibition thinkers and dreamers invites 10 contemporary artists engaged with the 3D to explore their studio and put forward several intimately scaled “object” based works from any stage in their career. To rediscover works that perhaps they’ve never aired before, but would love to.
Marco Polo in Piñata is an interactive, collaborative installation and community workshops by artists Movana Chen, Tunni Kraus and Ramón Martínez Mendoza.
An integrated artistic program examined creative and critical approaches to evaluation and value in relation to community-engaged arts practice.