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'NSW Death Records : 130/1924’.
'NSW Marriage Records : 2851/1867’.
'NSW Birth Records : V18421184 26a/1842’.
Cox, George (1980), 'George Cox of Mulgoa and Mudgee : Letters to his sons 1846-49’, Sydney.
Teale, Ruth (1969), 'Cox, George Henry (1824 – 1901)’, Melbourne, Vic : Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 3, Melbourne University Press, pp 486-487.
Heydon, J. D. (1966), 'Bell, Archibald (1773 – 1837)’, Melbourne, Vic : Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, Melbourne University Press, pp 78-80.
Hickson, Edna (1966), 'Cox, William (1764 – 1837)’, Melbourne, Vic : Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 1, Melbourne University Press, pp 258-259.