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One of 36 busts in Metaphysica Series.
One of 36 busts in Metaphysica Series.
Commission by National Portrait Gallery
42 × 42 × 31cm.
One of series of 36 concrete busts imprinted with plant matter.
Full body hand-cast porcelain, cloisonné enamelling.
158 × 55.5 × 32cm
46 × 45.5 × 27.3cm
Porcelain cast from figure, hand painted underglaze.
31 × 40 × 21.5cm
Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Oct. 7, 2013, 4:38 p.m. | Oct. 7, 2013, 4:37 p.m. |
References | [<ExternalResource: Roni Feinstein, 'Ah Xian: A Journey to China,' Art in America (February 2002)>, <ExternalResource: Ah Xian Metephysica, Queensland Art Gallery room brochure>, <ExternalResource: Kathryn Wells, 'Ah Xian, Ancient crafts, contemporary practice - a new language of art', interview, Craft Australia (September 2011)>, <ExternalResource: Rosemary Neill, 'The Face, Ah Xian', The Australian, 21 March 2009>, <ExternalResource: Concrete Busts Cement Artist Ah Xian’s Acclaim >] | [<ExternalResource: Roni Feinstein, 'Ah Xian: A Journey to China,' Art in America (February 2002)>, <ExternalResource: Ah Xian Metephysica, Queensland Art Gallery room brochure>, <ExternalResource: Kathryn Wells, 'Ah Xian, Ancient crafts, contemporary practice - a new language of art', interview, Craft Australia, September 2011>, <ExternalResource: Rosemary Neill, 'The Face, Ah Xian', The Australian, 21 March 2009>, <ExternalResource: Concrete Busts Cement Artist Ah Xian’s Acclaim >] |