Related recognitions |
- 1999 HR Riddle Scholarship, University of Adelaide, SA (received)
- 1999 Kenneth and Hazel Milne Travelling Scholarship, University of Adelaide, SA (received)
- Early Career Researcher Grant, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW (received)
- Researcher Link Scholarship, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW (received)
- Early Career Researcher Grant, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW (received)
- NSW Artist's Marketing Award, National Association for the Visual Arts (received)
- New Work Grant (Emerging Artist), Visual Arts Board, Australia Council for the Arts (received)
- Beth Winspear Scholarship, Walking and Art Residency, Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada (received)
- 2008 Early Career Researcher Grant, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW (received)
- New Visual Artists Award, Japan Foundation, Sydney (received)