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[<ExternalResource: Bonyhady, T. (1988), 'The Scottowe Manuscript - A Commentary', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Graves, A. (1905), 'The Royal Academy of Arts', London, United Kingdom.>, <ExternalResource: Mander-Jones, P. (1972), 'Manuscripts in the British Isles relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific', Canberra, ACT.>, <ExternalResource: Huey, A. (1809), 'The Voyage of the 73rd Regiment of Foot', Public Records Office (PRO) Belfast (N. Ireland) typescript (from original 1809-11 diaries, p.c.).>, <ExternalResource: Information sourced from Berzins, Baiba.>, <ExternalResource: (1995), Voices, Spring 1995, page 71.>]