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exhibited until 1838 and from 1844-1848
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References | [<ExternalResource: Appleyard, R.G. (1 July 1966), 'Alexander Schramm', Bulletin of the National Gallery of South Australia, vol. 28.>, <ExternalResource: Borsch-Supan, H. (1971), 'Die Kataloge der Berliner Akademie Ausstellungen 1786/1850', Quellen und Schriften zur bildenen Kunst 4, Berlin, Germany.>, <ExternalResource: von Böttlicher, F. (1968), 'Paintings of the 19th Century', Frankfurt, Germany.>, <ExternalResource: McCulloch, A. (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art', Melbourne, Victoria (2nd ed.).>, <ExternalResource: Nagler, G.K. (1835), 'Neues Allgemeines Künstler Lexikon', vol. 17, Leipzig 1835/1852.>, <ExternalResource: Overbury, M.A. (12 November 1898), 'Early colonial art and artists', Adelaide Observer.>, <ExternalResource: Thieme, U. and Becker F. (1907), 'Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Künstler', 37 vols, Leipzig.>, <ExternalResource: (1857), South Australian Society of Arts exhibition catalogues.>, <ExternalResource: (1864), South Australian Register, 03-06, 24-12.>, <ExternalResource: (1979), 'Alexander Schramm', Bulletin of the Art Gallery of South Australia, vol. 37.>, <ExternalResource: Carroll, Alison (1981), 'Graven images in the promised land: a history of printmaking in South Australia, 1836-1981', Adelaide: Art Gallery of South Australia.>] |