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Scottish-born Alexander Sherriff arrived in Sydney in 1884 and lived and resided at 'Edinville’ at 41 trafalgar Street, Annandale NSW 2038 from 1891 until hia death in Paddington. Information on his career and career is quite limited. Besides being commissioned to carve a statue of Sir George Grey for the Lands Department Building, Sydney, in 1901, it is known he carved the Tattersals Club, Pitt Street, and is thought to have been commission to contribute sculpture to the Walker convalescent Home, Concord in 1893.

His finest sculpture is on the semicircular front of 'Edwinville’ in Trafalgar Street, Annandale, consisting of nine panels composed of bas-relief sculptures of birds and a kangaroo. The round front has a central window and two either side which have projecting heads marking their centers that would appear to be based on Renaissance artists or Greek mythology. The front is especially impressive not only for its remarkable figurative detail, but also for the use of the curved glass double-hung windows. Allen George Mansfield who lived not far distant at Glebe may had been the architect.

Laila Ellmoos
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Date modified Aug. 16, 2021, 12:30 p.m. Aug. 16, 2021, 12:28 p.m.
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