You are viewing the version of bio from May 6, 2016, 7:23 p.m. , as edited by Alinta Krauth (needs approval).
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Alinta Krauth is a multidisciplinary digital artist who focuses on projection art, interactive art, sound art, art games, generative art, and digital literature, and is interested in experimenting with links between these fields. She is also interested in ways to tie social relevance into interactive pieces – particularly with regards to sustainability, the environment, and physics. She has seen her works exhibited globally in such places as Brisbane to Bergen, Virginia to Vienna, Paris to Melbourne, Vancouver to New York City.

Alinta has lived in rural Queensland for her entire life, and her background is in cultural theory and creative writing. She likes to use these understandings to help her create historically and culturally considered works. But most of all Alinta is simply curious about the world and all its creatures – real and imagined.

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