See alsos |
[<ExternalResource: 'Illustrations in 'The Great Race: a traditional story' (1982) "Djawal-Idi" Aboriginal Education Resources Unit, East Perth, WA'.>, <ExternalResource: Stanton, John E. (2000), 'Bush Landscapes of the south-west of Western Australia; the Child Art of Carrolup'.>, <ExternalResource: Alma Toomath (19 August 1992), 'Alma Toomath Interview with Sylvia Kleinert'.>]
[<ExternalResource: 'Illustrations in 'The Great Race: a traditional story' (1982) "Djawal-Idi" Aboriginal Education Resources Unit, East Perth, WA'.>, <ExternalResource: Stanton, John E. (2000), 'Bush Landscapes of the south-west of Western Australia; the Child Art of Carrolup'.>]