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Title: Book Bellows and Communal Ladder
Location: along the corridor inside the Glenn Murcutt building of the Southern Highlands Campus of The University of Wollongong, 60 Kirkham Street, Moss Vale
Description: Wall mounted sculpture using found objects, wood and bronze, 14.7 metres long x 1.5 metres high x 26cm
Commission for University of Wollongong completed in 2013.
The Salon for the Textile Art Object was awarded for the work title “Roger, I hear you loud and clear”, at The 6th International World textile Art Biennial of Contemporary Art. exhibited at the Gallery of Contemporary Art, Xalapa, Mexico in 2011.
Title of artwork made: Human Tree and Story Pods.
Location: exterior wall facing onto the Thirroul District Community Centre and Library, Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Thirroul.
Description: handmade ceramic tiles, and bronze elements 9.85 metres x 1.84 metres x 10cm
one year residency at Wollongong Art Gallery, NSW, 2006. The residency culminated in a solo exhibition at Wollongong Art Gallery titled “Object Incognito” in 2007.
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Date modified | Sept. 20, 2020, 7:38 p.m. | Sept. 20, 2020, 7:37 p.m. |
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