Cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer. Prisoner of War Europe 1941-1945, produced posters, and realist artworks of life in Stalag VIIIB POW Camp. Upon return Staff Artist/contributor:- the Sydney Morning Herald; the Sunday Telegraph, Smith's Weekly, Man Magazine; Man Junior; The Bulletin and ABC Television. Represented:- AWM; Art Gallery of NSW; NGV; Dixon Library; ANL; Private Collections.
cartoonist, illustrator and designer, was a freelance contributor to the Bulletin and Smith’s Weekly some time before WWII. He was staff artist on the Sydney Morning Herald in 1948-51 then became a freelance artist and designer. As a contributor to the 1960s Bulletin he signed himself 'Kurt Nodt’ because, he said, when he worked on the Sydney Morning Herald that was all you ever got from anyone (Rolfe, 271). National Library of Australia has a pen and ink drawing of Ben Chifley signed by Nichol (R8853) and a pen and ink cartoon, Alwuz did wonder why they done call him [dat] c.1970s (R11411).
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Kerr, Joan
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Nichol, Diana Lisbeth (child of)
, (child of)
Nichol, Diana Lisbeth (child of)
Record history
June 19, 2020, 9:54 a.m.
Diana Nichol
(needs approval)
There is limited biographical information in the artist's profile and in publication generally. Family members are compiling a history and collating available artwork to create a body
of reference so as to broaden understanding of his artistic contribution, during both WWII and the following 2 decades. -
08/06/2020 06:26
Diana Nichol
(needs approval)