References |
[<ExternalResource: (10 July 2001), 'email from Maureen Prichard to Glenn R. Cooke'.>, <ExternalResource: (28 April 1998), 'Letter from Avis Smith to Glenn R. Cooke', Artist's file, QAG Library.>, <ExternalResource: 'Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD'.>, <ExternalResource: Ioannou, Norris (1986), 'Ceramics in South Australia 1836-1986: From folk to studio pottery', Wakefield Press, Adelaide, pg 293.>]
[<ExternalResource: (10 July 2001), 'email from Maureen Prichard to Glenn R. Cooke'.>, <ExternalResource: (28 April 1998), 'Letter from Avis Smith to Glenn R. Cooke', Artist's file, QAG Library.>, <ExternalResource: 'Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, QLD'.>]