Twentieth-century Melbourne artist who has worked mostly in printmaking. The National Gallery of Australia holds over 70 of Brash's works including the c.1948 print 'Beach Box'.
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT (collected in)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT (collected in)
Record history
Replaced Kerr's original biography which I accidentally deleted, identifies both authors of biographies. -
04/11/2019 12:51
Emma Mills
(needs approval)
Brash is listed as a member of these groups in the below sources.
National Gallery of Victoria, 1963: Prints ’63: Tate Adams, Barbara Brash, Janet Dawson, Grahame King, Hertha Kluge-Pott, Fred Williams, John Senbergs, exh. cat., Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1963.
Grishin, 1994: Sasha Grishin, Contemporary Australian Printmaking: An Interpretative History, Sydney: Craftsman House, 1994.
Wood, 1980: Lilian Wood, ‘Melbourne Printmaking in the 1950’s,’ Imprint, no. 1, 1980, pp. 2-3.
McConville, 1981: Vicki McConville, ‘Contemporary Australian Printmaking: Some Aspects Considered’, Bachelor of Education, Melbourne State College, 1981.
Gowing and Dick, 2006: Ainsley Gowing and Helen Dick, From Tuesday to Tuesday: Barbara Brash, Nancy Clifton, Mary Macqueen, Lesbia Thorpe, exh. cat., Mornington, Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Mornington: Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, 2006.
St John Moore, 1992: Felicity St John Moore, Classical Modernism: The George Bell Circle, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1992.
Shore, 1954: Arnold Shore, ‘Exciting Colour, Feeling, in Newly Open Art Shows’, The Argus 23 November 1954, p. 10.
02/11/2019 18:01
Emma Mills
(needs approval)
All teachers of Brash, at the National Gallery School, George Bell School, and at the CLC workshops at RMIT. Members of groups which Brash collaborated in, notably the Freedman group and the Studio One group.
St John Moore, 1992: Felicity St John Moore, Classical Modernism: The George Bell Circle, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1992.
National Gallery of Victoria, 1963: Prints ’63: Tate Adams, Barbara Brash, Janet Dawson, Grahame King, Hertha Kluge-Pott, Fred Williams, John Senbergs, exh. cat., Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1963.
Wood, 1980: Lilian Wood, ‘Melbourne Printmaking in the 1950’s,’ Imprint, no. 1, 1980, pp. 2-3.
Australian Prints and Printmaking: Australian Prints and Printmaking. This site provides a transcript of Tate Adams’ speech ‘Melbourne Printmaking in the 1960’s’, given at The Second Australian Print Symposium in Canberra, Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 1992. URL:
Lee Dow, 1996: Joanne Lee Dow, A Selection of Twelve Canon Laser Colour Prints by Bashir Baraki, Barbara Brash and Jean Knox, Melbourne: Copier Publications, 1996.
02/11/2019 17:51
Emma Mills
(needs approval)
Australian Electoral Commission, 1949: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Toorak 1949, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1949, p. 12.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1954: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Toorak 1954, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1954, p. 10.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1963: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1963, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1963, p. 24.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1967: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1967, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1967, p. 24.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1968: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1968, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1968, p. 24.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1972: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1972, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1972, p. 5.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1977: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1977, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1977, p. 7.
Australian Electoral Commission, 1980: Australian Electoral Commission, Electoral Subdivision of Malvern 1980, Canberra: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1980, p. 7.
Eastgate Gallery, 1989: Barbara Brash, exh. cat., Armadale, Eastgate Galleries, Armadale: Eastgate Galleries, 1989.
The Age, 1947: ‘Scholarship in Art: Travel for The Winner’, The Age 19 December 1947, p. 2.
The Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1963: Sydney, Correspondence between Daniel Thomas and Barbara Brash, 8 September 1963, National Art Archive.
St John Moore, 1992: Felicity St John Moore, Classical Modernism: The George Bell Circle, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1992.
02/11/2019 17:32
Emma Mills
(needs approval)
Deleted 'Theatre Designer' since I could not find any evidence of Brash performing this role. Updated biographical information. -
02/11/2019 17:27
Emma Mills
(needs approval)
I have provided a more extended biography for Barbara Brash, replacing a stub biography. This entry is based on my Honours thesis, submitted to the Art History department at the University of Melbourne in October 2019.
Bailin, 2005: Nancy Bailin, The Brasch Family and the Impressionist Painters from Heidelberg to Curlew Camp, Mosman: Mosman Historical Society, 2005.
Baraki and Smith, 1991: Bashir Baraki and Gill Smith, Creating Laser Fine Art Prints, Melbourne: The Art School Press, 1991.
Brash and Tarling, 2000: Geoff Brash and Lowell Tarling, Brash Business: 10 Hard and Honest Lessons, Melbourne: Information Australia, 2000.
Crossley Gallery Centre, 1965: An exhibition of original prints by Barbara Brash, exh. cat., Melbourne, Crossley Gallery Centre, Melbourne: Crossley Gallery, 1965.
Deutsher, 1979: A Survey of Australian Relief Prints 1900/1950, exh. cat., Armadale, Deutsher Galleries, Armadale: Deutsher Galleries, 1979.
Eastgate Gallery, 1989: Barbara Brash, exh. cat., Armadale, Eastgate Galleries, Armadale: Eastgate Galleries, 1989.
Germaine, 1991: Max Germaine, ‘Barbara Brash’ in A Dictionary of Women Artists of Australia, Sydney: Craftsman House, 1991, p.486.
Gowing and Dick, 2006: Ainsley Gowing and Helen Dick, From Tuesday to Tuesday: Barbara Brash, Nancy Clifton, Mary Macqueen, Lesbia Thorpe, exh. cat., Mornington, Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Mornington: Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, 2006.
Grishin, 1994: Sasha Grishin, Contemporary Australian Printmaking: An Interpretative History, Sydney: Craftsman House, 1994.
Lee Dow, 1996: Joanne Lee Dow, A Selection of Twelve Canon Laser Colour Prints by Bashir Baraki, Barbara Brash and Jean Knox, Melbourne: Copier Publications, 1996.
National Archives, 1848: London, List of Aliens 21 May 1848 in the Port of London List of Aliens, BT43/12331.
National Archives, 1951: London, Names and Descriptions of British Passengers Embarked at the Port of London Bound for Sydney 7th June 1951 in the Port of London Departure Book, BT27/1680.
National Gallery of Australia: National Gallery of Australia. This site provides an account of all works by Barbara Brash held by the NGA. URL:
National Gallery of Victoria, 1962: Four Arts in Australia, exh. cat., Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, 1962.
National Gallery of Victoria, 1963: Prints ’63: Tate Adams, Barbara Brash, Janet Dawson, Grahame King, Hertha Kluge-Pott, Fred Williams, John Senbergs, exh. cat., Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1963.
Public Records Victoria, 1998: Melbourne, Public Records Victoria, Supreme Court of Victoria Registrar and Probate, Last Will and Testament of Barbara Brasch, 28/P28 item 1145249.
St John Moore, 1992: Felicity St John Moore, Classical Modernism: The George Bell Circle, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 1992.
The Age, 1947: ‘Scholarship in Art: Travel for The Winner’, The Age 19 December 1947, p. 2.
The Lyceum Club, 1980: Melbourne, The Print Council of Australia Annual Report 1979, 1980.
02/11/2019 17:12
Emma Mills
(needs approval)