You are viewing the version of bio from Nov. 18, 2017, 10:21 a.m. , as edited by emma_sheehan (needs approval).
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associate of
Raylene Bonson
Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Jennifer Gandjalmirriwuy
Artist (Painter), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Installation Artist)
associate of
Lennie Goya-Airra
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Painter), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Mixed Media Artist)
associate of
Melba Gunjarrwanga
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Painter), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Mixed Media Artist)
associate of
Linda Gurawana
Artist (Painter), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Mixed Media Artist)
associate of
Belinda Kuriniya
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Weaver), Artist (Mixed Media Artist)
associate of
Helen Lanyinwanga
Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Weaver), Artist (Painter), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Installation Artist)
associate of
Susan Marawarr
Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Weaver), Artist (Painter), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer)
associate of
Janet Marawarr
Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Painter), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Printmaker)
associate of
Elizabeth Wullunmingu
Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Painter), Artist (Installation Artist)
associate of
Deborah Wurrkidj
Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Weaver), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Painter)
associate of
Jennifer Wurrkidj
Artist (Painter), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Weaver), Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Installation Artist)
associate of
Lucy Yarawanga
Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Textile Artist / Fashion Designer), Artist (Installation Artist), Artist (Mixed Media Artist), Artist (Painter)

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Date modified Nov. 18, 2017, 10:21 a.m. Nov. 18, 2017, 10:20 a.m.
References [<ExternalResource: Bábbarra Women’s Centre. “Belinda Kernan.” Bábbarra Women’s Centre. Last modified 2017.>]