References |
[<ExternalResource: Krakouer, Laurence (2009), 'Verbal Correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Winmar, Alta (1991), ''Belly Kelly' in Nyungar Art from the South-West Region of Western Australia', Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Waterford, WA, See pp 12-13.>, <ExternalResource: 'The Nyoongar people of South Western Australia' (March 2003), Online WA Multicultural Communities Gateway, volume 4, issue 1, March 2003, Accessed 21/4/09.>, <ExternalResource: Lawrence, Carmen (1991), 'Speech Notes by Carmen Lawrence, opening of exhibition of works by Bella Kelly, Alma Toomath and Michelle Broun, 12 April 1991', Espace@Curtin - Curtin's Research Repository, Accessed 21/4/09.>, <ExternalResource: Narkle, Geoffrey & Milroy, David (2007), 'King Hit', Currency Press Pty Ltd, Strawberry Hills, NSW, [first written in 1997].>, <ExternalResource: Stanton, John E. & Hill, Sandra (2000), 'Aboriginal Artists of the South-West: Past and Present', Berndt Museum of Anthropology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Croft, Brenda & Gooding, Janda (2003), 'South West Central: Indigenous Art from south Western Australia 1833-2002', Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Stanton, John E. (1992), 'Nyungar Landscapes - Aboriginal artists of the South-West: the heritage of Carrolup, Western Australia', Berndt Museum of Anthropology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: Pushman, T & Walley, R. S (2006), 'Koorah Coolingah (Children Long Ago)', Berndt Museum of Anthropology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.>, <ExternalResource: (1967), 'Aboriginal artist gains reputation', The Albany Advertiser, Monday, March 6, 1967, p. 3.>]
[<ExternalResource: Krakouer, Laurence (2009), 'Verbal Correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author'.>, <ExternalResource: Winmar, Alta (1991), ''Belly Kelly' in Nyungar Art from the South-West Region of Western Australia', Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Waterford, WA, See pp 12-13.>, <ExternalResource: 'The Nyoongar people of South Western Australia' (March 2003), Online WA Multicultural Communities Gateway, volume 4, issue 1, March 2003, Accessed 21/4/09.>, <ExternalResource: Lawrence, Carmen (1991), 'Speech Notes by Carmen Lawrence, opening of exhibition of works by Bella Kelly, Alma Toomath and Michelle Broun, 12 April 1991', Espace@Curtin - Curtin's Research Repository, Accessed 21/4/09.>, <ExternalResource: Narkle, Geoffrey & Milroy, David (2007), 'King Hit', Currency Press Pty Ltd, Strawberry Hills, NSW, [first written in 1997].>]