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Powerhouse Museum, ’94/163/1 Platter, 'Prayer to the fairy goldmother’, terracotta blank made in Italy, hand-painted by Bernadette Emmerichs, Yandoit Hills, Victoria, Australia, 1994’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/139083Powerhouse Museum, ’94/163/2 Platter, 'Man of pockets, Woman of flowers’, terracotta (blank made in Italy), hand-painted by Bern Emmerichs, Yandoit Hills, Victoria, 1994.’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/139084Powerhouse Museum, ’94/163/3 Dish, 'In the neighborhood’, painted glass / metal stand, Gerhard Emmerichs, Yandoit Hills, Victoria, 1994’, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, NSW.
http://from.ph/139085Field | This Version | Previous Version |
Date modified | Feb. 4, 2022, 3:10 p.m. | Feb. 4, 2022, 3:10 p.m. |
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