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References | [<ExternalResource: 'Aussie'.>, <ExternalResource: Peers, Juliet (1995), 'Betty and Esther Paterson', Heritage, J. Kerr, ed.>, <ExternalResource: Kerr, Joan (1999), 'Artists and Cartoonists in Black and White', National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Ambrus, Caroline (1984), 'The Ladies' Picture Show', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: McVitty, Walter (1989), 'Authors & Illustrators of Australian Children's Books', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Mills, Carol (1987), 'Betty (Elizabeth Deans) Paterson (1894 [sic]-1970) and Esther Paterson (1892-1971)', The Lu Rees Archives: Notes, Books and Authors 8, pages 14-22 (with bibliography of books illustrated by both sisters).>, <ExternalResource: O'Sullivan, Margaret (1997), 'Australian Women Filmmakers, Cartoonists, and Photographers in the 1930s, the contexts in which they worked and the cultural themes they depicted', PhD thesis, Sydney University (History), Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Paterson, Betty (1968), 'Betty Paterson's World of Babies', Melbourne, VIC.>, <ExternalResource: Peers, Juliet (1993), 'More Than Just Gum Trees', MSWPS, Melbourne, VIC.>, <ExternalResource: Rafty,Tony and Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning', Blaxland Gallery, September, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1922), Australasian, July, 8, Melbourne, Vic.>, <ExternalResource: (1923), Society, July, 1.>, <ExternalResource: 'Bulletin', Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: (1934), 'Fatty Finn's Weekly', Sydney Newspapers Ltd, Sydney, NSW.>, <ExternalResource: Pirani, Leila (1946), 'The Princess of the Water-lilies', McKechnie, Melbourne, VIC.>, <ExternalResource: Stone, Mick (1998), in Shiel, A. (editor), Bonzer : Australian comics 1900-1990s, page 157.>] | [<ExternalResource: 'Aussie'.>] |